The diseases is blight, leaf spot, wilt of Fusarium sp. Tomato are as popular with pest and diseases, for example pest of whitefly, Aphid, Leaf miner, Stink bug, Fruit worm, Horn worm. Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD), Indonesia. The area of tomato crop in Blora regency in the year 2006 is 200 Ha, that produces tons. Tomato ranks second only to eggplant in production area in the Philippines and fifth in Indonesia. Solanaceae are known to have a large positive impact on human healthy.

Visser said that These vegetable crops also constitute a major component of our diet, providing fiber, vitamins, minerals and an array of phytonutrients that promote good health. there is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients so can use for body healthy. 1 Control program INSECT PEST ON TOMATO PLANTĬlassification Host and Distribution Insect Pest Damage and Symptom Biology Pest Management Natural and Chemical Koko Dwi Sutanto S.PĢ Abstract Tomato plant Licopersicon esculentum (L.) Karst, is one of the most economic important vegetable crops in the world.